More than 5,000 pilots have used the course!

Today is a great day for Mister Colin. The number of pilots who have used the “Aviation English Assessment - Quick Reference Handbook” ( - to study for the ANAC English test has been growing and growing and has now passed over 5,000 pilots from over 70 countries.

I’d like to thank all the users who have used the course in the last 14 months and I’d like to congratulate everyone who has passed the test after using the course.

Since I launched the course last year the reaction has been amazing. I knew the material was fantastic, but I've been really impressed by the number of people who have taken a little of their time to send me messages saying that it was the course that made all the difference.

Last month, when I participated in the ANAC / ICEA Symposium to celebrate 10 years of the proficiency test in Brazil, I was stopped by people I’d never met who congratulated me on the “Quick Reference Handbook”. This makes me so happy as it confirms that I'm doing the right thing and that all my hard work has been worth it.

The ANAC test has changed, but the course is keeping up with all these changes and is constantly being updated. I will continue to develop new content and update the existing content to meet your needs. You can count on me.

There will be some more announcements soon!

Happy studying and have a good flight!

Mister Colin